Friday, March 27, 2009

It's like I'm back

I found this part of myself today. Smacking my forehead in my beloved testing center.  Everyone haaates the center. But I'm home there too. I think it's because it's quiet, and no one can tell me what to do there. I don't second guess myself because someone is doing something different. I don't hesitate to start punching numbers into my calculator because the guy next to me isn't punching numbers already. I'm right about half the time anyway.  And I don't like it when people tell me what to do. That's really why I walk around campus trying to find somewhere to study, like there aren't literally hundreds of emtpy chairs, some with padding, some with armrests, and some without. I have to find the right spot where there isn't someone to ruin it by tapping their pen, or looking at me sideways if I start looking at or and keep doing it for like 40 minutes. I just want to do it my way. I just want to study without those boys calling me mack, and congratulating me for making it to school before noon.
That part of myself I was talking about earlier is that girl who, in Ms. Dobie's biology class, 9th grade, got the high score on the Functions of the Cell Test. The cell was so confusing with all its mitochondria, and endo plasmic reticulum, and golgi apparatus. There was no way to figure it all out. I just decided that I wanted to remember what all the names were, and what the silly things did, so I figured out how to remember it all. It was like the first time I 'studied.'  And today was the same. I was just so fed up with all the confusion in my brain that I took all day figuring it out. And I loved taking that test. And I was the happiest I have been in so long I can't even remember.  
Let's see if it will last after I get my score.


Brian and Cathy Phillips said...

I know you did great! And by the way, thanks for talking about and Of course I had to go there as well and plan my upcoming fall wardrobe.

Natalie said...

Of course you'll get the highest score. You're brilliant! And if not, at least you're undoubtedly the hottest girl (if not the only one) in the class and that is MUCHO more important. :)

That's one concept I really want to teach my kids--if you can't be the smartest, be the hottest! (Of course I'm joking...)

Charmaine said...

I think Natalie said it best about,"If you can't be the smartest, then be the hottest!" Look at Paris Hilton!! But you needn't worry, you've got it all baby!! I'd bet on you any day.