Wednesday, March 31, 2010


There is no record for this day in the New Testament. I needed to catch up on Tuesday's events anyway...

Then Jesus began to weep over Jerusalem, saying, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, ye who will kill the prophets, and will stone them who are sent unto you, how often would I have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chickens under her winds, and ye would not! JST Matthew 23:27

This is one of my favorite descriptions of the Savior. A teacher told me about hens once (I am clearly no farm girl). If a predator threatens her babies, she will gather them in and sit down and let a predator tear her apart until she's dead before she'll move off those chicks.

My stake president challenged us to remember the Savior more, or think about Him more. I am trying to study the last week of His life, as I go through it. I've never felt more peace. John 14:27


He taught so many things on Tuesday. A parable that I found very interesting is the Parable of The Wicked Husbandmen (Matthew 21:33-46, Mark 12:1-12, and Luke 20:9-19). Mainly because I have a pride problem (what?!) and it's sobering to see what pride can lead you to do. The chief priests and Pharisees knew that Jesus was condemning them, and they feared losing authority over the masses. Somehow they thought they could stop this.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Now in the morning as he returned into the city, he hungered. Matthew 21:18

And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple. Matthew 21:12

And he taught daily in the temple. Luke 19:47

And when even was come, he went out of the city. Mark 11:19

Palm Sunday

When the Savior came into Jerusalem on a colt, the people sang the Hallel, Psalms 113-118.

I love the Lord, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live. -Psalm 116

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Good Times

On my walk to school this morning I found my student id card in my back pocket. I always put it there when I work so I can get into my lab without carrying my entire (and adorable) wallet. I gave myself a silent lecture. "Mallory, every time you lose one it costs 10 bones, and you're on your fourth. Please put the id back in your wallet when you get off work." (I really did) So after class I needed a bathroom break before I hit the books. And because my pants are low riders, the pockets are small and when I'm zipping up I hear a quiet ping and splash. I turned around just in time to see my mugshot sinking in the water.

I never thought anything could make me plunge my hand into a toilet but I stand corrected. Because when you're so broke you've resorted to bringing tupperware dishes filled with pasta to school for lunch, you become a little more careful with the valuables. Although, I'm not sure if I thought "soap will fix this" before I put my hand in there.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Dentist

I had a reunion with the long lost Dr. today. Don't gasp, but I don't think I've been in like 5 years. So I finally made it over there and this girl who is assisting the dentist started making small talk and asked me what my major is. I am uncomfortable with this question for the two reactions I inevitably get: A) Exagerated gasp, followed by blank stare, followed by some comment along the lines "holy crap you must be like super genius" or 2) immediately turns off all guys (and if they aren't turned off, I usually am). So whenever people make small talk I decide if I'm going to brace myself for the response or if I'm just going to lie and say something like "I don't know" or "marriage." I usually brace myself and go with the first.
So when I tell her what I'm studying she stops what she's doing and her mouth falls open and I think she even bent her knees a bit and said "no way. oh my gosh that is like so hard. you are so smart." and I laugh quietly "nah I wish...haha"
"NO. SERIOUSLY. At least you're not like just getting a teacher certificate like every other girl"


"what?...So you're at BYU?"
"No I'm at UVU"
"oh right on. that's great"
"it's not like you, but at least I'm going to school... Don't judge me"
"I didn't say anything... I think that's great"
"So do you know an engineer named... Tyler?" (we are actually tight, he sits behind me all day and punches me)
"yeah, we're friends"
"Really?! We were in the same ward together, and I think he liked me, well that's what everyone says, but I don't know, he flirts with every girl you know?"
"yeah I married his roommate"
"so do you know his sister is engaged?"

I could go on, but I think you get the point. I got a good laugh today at the dentist office, and I don't have any cavities Mom.