There was a little confusion as to where and when church would be this morning...
me: "It's in the Marriott Center at 10"
Brittany: "Oh, now we know doubly where it is"
*I guess I always thought you could know something, or not know something, but apparently there is another level of 'knowing', and that's 'doubly knowing'
Me: "What time is it?"
Amanda: (looking at her watch-less wrist) "It's getting dark"
Boyd K. Packer: "...He was a French Canadian, who was...French"
(a little laughter from the crowd)
Packer: "You are a really bright group"
The worst (or best depending how you look at it):
Me: "How old is Emma now Jeremy?"
Jeremy: "She just turned two"
Me: (suddenly wondering if Jandi is still working as a nurse) "Jandi are you still nursing?"
I hope I can recover from that one. It was one of the most awkward moments of my life.
But today was really awesome. I had the opportunity to hear from President Uchtdorf, President Packer, and Elder Marlin K. Jensen. The Marriott Center was packed full. My roommate Amanda is from Nebraska, and she continued to express her excitement and wonder at so many mormons. She told us how she had never seen so many mormons in her life. It was a reminder of how blessed I am, and what I take for granted: to have the opportunity to be in the presence of living prophets, and so many people who are members of the Savior's church.