Monday, May 4, 2009

My New Crush

Sunday school teacher: If you had a garden, what seeds would you plant in it?
...awkward silence for about 45 seconds....
Me: zucchini
SST: Ok, cool. What else
Mr. Clean: I would plant all fruits and vegetables because there are 20 essential amino acids that your body needs and you can't get them all from one, or even a few places. You can get some of them from supplements, but the best place to get them is from eating a varied diet.
SST: uh huh
Me: (to Jay) I want to date that kid
Jay: We're not friends anymore


Brian and Cathy Phillips said...

this sounds like the lesson was on chastity...

Charmaine said...

Okay, so who's stole your heart? Is it the beautiful bald man or Jay, or the sst? You did say you wanted to date that "kid", so now I'm confused!! Love you Mal.

Mal Pal said...

I wanted to date baldy. Or "AA" as Jay and I called him (for amino acids)

Natalie said...

Wow! I have a feeling your brothers would wreck some serious havoc on AA if you ever decided to bring him to a family function. Maybe you better stick with Jay...

B said...


I love you.

Elyse Dial said...

well obviously you should marry him.

Unknown said...

I want to know who AA is.

Mal Pal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mal Pal said...

Get this, he was just a visitor. He was checking out our ward to see if he liked it... he next comment 5 minutes later involved the word pathogen. Don't ask.