Monday, December 8, 2008

this saturday was glorious, just glorious

I rode to Helper for our family Christmas party with Brian and Cathy, and we decided that our conversation on the way through the canyon was emotionally, politically, spiritually, socially and artistically enlightening. I know you want to know what we talked about. We talked about the energy crisis, and nuclear legislation in the US versus the former Soviet Union's. We talked about our new president, and Jimmy Carter. We talked about Glenn Beck and Ezra Taft Benson. We talked about global warming and Annabelle's stroller. All the while Chris Ledoux played softly in the background (that's where we were artisically enlightened.)
We made a pit stop at Workman's market, where we selected some fine Ruffles, and Ruffles brand ranch dip for the grand occasion. (remind me to tell you about the time Cathy was a little skeptical about whether or not the ranch dip would be a good purchase for our possibly limited access to a kitchen and said "do we have to heat this up?"-- I'm sorry if you just threw up. I did too.)
We got our bowl on, and I annihilated my brothers. Don't act so surprised. I missed Dad, Mom, the Fergusons, and the Davisssss (yeah that's a difficult plural word) and Mike, but after about four seconds of eating, I completely forgot about them. Just kidding, jeez.
I was eating with James and Kaylee, and I was trying to fill in for Dad, and tease her and I don't think I was as effective, but I definitely made progress.
So many things happened that day, and I'm trying to keep this under a million words, so if you'd like more detail I can fill you in later.
It was so fun to be with Mainie, Chris and Michelle, Richie and Jen, and everyone else. Congratulations to Michelle and Levi who are getting married!
I wanted to stay all night, but alas we had more enlightening to get to in the car. This time, Eric and I just got ourselves all enlightened about sleep. Sorry we were so boring Brian and Cath.
Eric and I made it to the Energy Solutions Arena during the second half of the BYU vs. USU basketball. I hope those aggies... just kidding, this blog is G rated. We won. That's all. Same old, same old. ;)
Eric and I played with Garrett for a few minutes when we got back to my parents house, and let me put it this way, I am planning on kidnapping Garrett because he is too too cute. He giggled and we tickled him, and he chased my phone around the floor, and life doesn't get much better than that.
And for the grande finale, I had an interesting night (which is normal under the circumstances.) When it comes to love, its usually really awkward and hilarious with me. I really feel like this maneuver should be named after me. Ok, we were both sitting on this couch. He was trying to flirt with me by putting this disgusting chihuahua on me. I kept getting really grossed out (its a dog! ew!) and pushing it away and telling it sweetly I was going to kill it etc, etc. At one point I almost lost it because I thought he put the dog on my hand/wrist so I jerked my hand away, flinched, and probably said ugh! So I turned to get mad at this guy for letting that rodent touch me and the dog was calmly sleeping in his lap, and my friends hand was outstretched.
So ladies, (gentlemen too I guess) just pull your hand away fast and act grossed out, works everytime.


Charmaine said...

Cute story Mallory. O didn't know you were dating anyone! And there I was Sat. trying to line you up with a kid that goes to school down there. Boy, I better ask the next time huh? I loved your attitude about the party. It was great having our Phillips family there too!!
Good luck with that guy of yours.

Natalie said...

Okay're just too hilarious! I can't believe you put the hand-holding reject story on your blog. What is HE reads this? You'll never get a present (or a kiss) for your birthday!

However, it was great to read and made me laugh, so I guess it was worth it. You are truly a delight and I am such glad you are my little sis.