Saturday, December 13, 2008

my last post was wicked long

so i'll try to entertain you for a moment in not so many words...
this past friday, tickets to WICKED went on sale for the play which runs through the month of April, 2009. because of some failed attempts to get tickets on the internet by my sister-in-law and her family, we had to go get some physically. which entails waiting in line. just some info about the night before: i got garrett in his carseat in the back of my car and set off trying to find brian's house (nat's brother) at around 11. come midnight, i am somehow in parley's canyon and nat and brian said "just pull over, we'll come get you." anyways... we went to bed at about 1:30 (because we had to play with garrett) and woke up at about 3 (because garrett was upset about something) then we woke for real at 5. nat and i stood in line at abravanel hall and sparky and jan stood in line at captiol theater (mind you, sparky was like the 600th person in line. seriously) nat and i made some BFF's in line and hung out with them until 10 when the doors opened. we ended up buying 24 tickets (the limit was 8 per person, and we actually convinced one of our BFF's to put 8 tickets on her card for us) totaling a couple thousand dollars. it was quite a day! BYU should rename the reading day-- go waste your time by standing in line day. just kidding, because i get to go see WICKED. so i guess it was worth it. and of course nat and i were being hilarious as usual so it was fun you see. we are probably going to start hanging out downtown around 5:30 am more if you'd like to come.


Natalie said...

Oh Miss Mal...It truly was a delightful day and you summed it up so well. Thanks for skipping studying to hang with me. It will go down in history as one of the finer days of my life. Sure do love ya kid!

Elyse Dial said...

wicked?? in utah??