Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Monday Adventure Series

I have made an executive decision (in order to remedy my intense longing for Utah) to enjoy this place that I'm living in. I'm sad to say I find it extremely difficult to get out of my pajamas on Monday through Wednesday. I just love sleeping in my darkened room, reading, or doing more than my fair share of online shopping and social networking research. (when I put it like that it sounds real nice huh, not like a fat waste of time). I figure if I tell you about my Monday adventures I may be guilted into following through with them. I'm planning on just going downtown (into the district, as everyone around here says) for a while until I get sick of it, which I think will take a long time. On Monday I went to the Air and Space Museum. It's right on the national mall. And instead of taking the metro, my friend Travis found some free parking by the Jefferson memorial so we took a little (ok it was kind of long) walk around the tidal pool and past the Washington monument to get there. Travis felt bad about the tons of walking, but I loved the crap out of it. It was cold so the city wasn't busy, which made it very nice. And I haven't been down there when it's been "busy" so right now I still have good thoughts about the whole city in my mind.

Becky does this blog where she takes a picture everyday and I love it because I get to see so much of her life so I may start copying her, but don't have high expectations just yet. I took this on my phone when we crossed the Potomac on our way to the museum.

And this was at like 11 am, but the sky looked like a sunrise for a few hours, which I did not complain about.

My heart skips a beat when I observe tributes to great minds of philosophy and science. In the museum my friend asked me if I believed in the big bang. I chuckled and said "what do you think?" then he laughed and said "I don't know" and then he made me think of something I'd never thought before. He said he could believe it if Divinity was behind it. And I liked thinking about those things for once instead of boys and my credit card balance. Even though, if you hadn't inferred, I didn't escape the first stress for long during my visit to the museum.

"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow." -Robert H. Goddard, Father of Modern Rocketry


Becky Green said...

Solid post, Mal. And I would fully support you doing 365 blog. I would be your biggest follower. Also, I think you should sleep with the Father of Modern Rocketry. Seems like a good man and I think it would really help you move up in the chemical engineering world.

Natalie said...

I love the Monday Adventure Series! We both know you're really just scouting out the best sites for us to visit when I get out there and the real adventures begin!!! Let's hear a little bit more about Travis...

P.S. The Big Bang/Divinity theory is something I've never considered either. Interesting.

Mal Pal said...

Becky I am born anew in your genius

ericleep said...

Go read Lincoln's Memorial if you haven't. They have two speeches in there, the Gettysburg address and his reelection inauguration speech. I too am just like you and love the great minds that have proceeded us. Hopefully we can have Monday adventures with Gini in a few months.

nicole and jared said...

You're my hero, that is all