Friday, June 26, 2009

I Could Sleep Anywhere

And I mean anywhere.
  • Yesterday I was being confirmed at Mt. Timpanogas and I felt asleep and jerked my head under the two sets of hands on my head. After, I laughed and apologized and the man was so nice. "It's ok, you've been sitting there a while" Yeah a total of about 2 minutes. What a nice guy.
  • Another good temple one happened in the chapel at Provo. I was leaning over just pondering away, when I dozed and started leaning forward until my head nailed the bench in front of me making a loud crack. The girls I was with could hardly contain themselves when I opened my eyes and looked around.
I have three good falling-asleep-while-kissing stories, but since my parents like to try and control what I write on here, and I'm sure my parents and brothers would love hearing details about me kissing anyone I'll keep these fairly detail deficient.
  • 1st- high school. I fell asleep while actually kissing, but managed not to get noticed (nice)
  • 2nd- I'm in college now, I again fell asleep while kissing, but this time did the head jerk thing. I apologized, laughed. yeah.
  • 3rd- I wasn't actually kissing this time, but cuddling and as I fell asleep I continued to talk and woke up only when he said "what?!" Just for your personal enjoyment I said "just remember, we'll always be watching you at Nordstrom" (it's a long story)
And just a non-kissing, non-temple one: I was on the porch with Jay and Kyle about two weeks ago and it was really late and I started rambling about something from highschool and then I thought where was I going with this? then I opened my eyes and they were just staring at me with puzzled looks on their faces then we all got up to go to bed. It was clearly too late.


Natalie said...

Yep--you are a true Phillips! I can't tell you how many times Greg and I have been in the middle of a conversation and he starts mumbling and making no sense...I look over and sure enough, he's out for the count!

Personally, I would have liked more detail on the kissing stories!

Mal Pal said...

Oh Natalie, I can give you all the details sometime ;)

Becky Green said...

hahaha i literally just laughed out loud when i read, "remember, we'll always be watching you at Nordstrom." i expect to hear this long story asap.