Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm part of the 2% of people with an abnormal brain

according to an email forwarded to me by aunt mainie. It had you add all these numbers consecutively, then asked you to think of a color and a tool. I thought of a red something, then i finally remembered those are called wrenchs. red, wrench. well apparently 98 % of people who take this survey (possibly even those who do not take said survey) answer red, hammer. i have no evidence to support this other than that is what the email claimed. and aunt mainie said she was part of the 98% in the subject line of the email. may i suggest, before any of you go getting the wrong idea, that i only have half an abnormal brain. my social skills may be getting rusty due to the amount of time spent in the engineering building, but i assure you my political and fashion judgement has never been keener.
on another note, i realize that some of my posts might leave my readers with feelings like "that wasn't sensational" or "man she's a downer." i promise you, that was never my intention. as a matter of fact, i'm really optismistic about the possibilties of wild and crazy times in the next two months. A) Turkey bowling on Turkey day 2) december. period. (well let me elaborate) 2a) after finals, I have a BREAK! 2c) Christmas with my family rocks. (well any weekend with sibling sleepovers really are the best-- wii, garrett, some youtube videos, mike teasing matt, mike teasing dad, dad occasionally swearing at mike over wii tennis, more trilogy time, etc, etc) 2e) I'm turning 21 this december so we're all gonna get loaded for new years (legally this time) (I'M ONLY KIDDING) and you know what else would make 2008 an awesome year... if Mitt Romney were elected president... I'll settle for McCain. And sexy sarah palin. (It's my first time voting in a presidential election tomorrow. I'm such excited)


Natalie said...

I always knew you were weird...JK!!! It just means you are brilliant and will one day make a million dollars and actually remember to bring your lovely sister-in-law souvenirs from your world travels. :) Totally JK!!! LOVE YA!

The 3 column blog site is:

I'll be expecting to see a 3 column blog in less than 24 hours.

Charmaine said...

Don't feel bad about the abnormal brain quiz. Danielle and Sandy are both of the 2%. To be honest, I bet that's a good thing.As you know by now, our John didn't make it. What a bummer, but we need to think positive and hope for the best. I don't see how things could get worse.
I love you babe.